July 23, 2024

Addressing Obesity in Pregnancy with Mother Goose Health

Obesity is a prevalent concern in pregnancy, posing significant risks to both the mother and her unborn child. It raises the mother’s chance of developing certain debilitating medical conditions and obese pre-pregnancy BMI increases the risk of excessive gestational weight gain, escalating long-term health risks such as metabolic syndrome. For the child, it increases the likelihood of experiencing complications at birth and sets a precedent for future obesity and metabolic issues.

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Traditional management strategies for obesity,such as medication and bariatric surgery, are not suitable during pregnancy.While lifestyle interventions are the remaining option, they often fall shortof preventing excessive weight gain and improving perinatal outcomes.Recognizing these challenges, Mother Goose Health has emerged as an innovativesolution. It simplifies the administrative demands on healthcare providers andengages expectant mothers with a patient-centric mobile app that promotes real-timehealth monitoring and intervention, potentially transforming prenatal care forhigh-risk populations and those with limited healthcare access.

Understanding Obesity and Its Risks in Pregnancy

Over half of pregnant women in the USA are classified as obese, including 8% who are morbidly obese.

Serious maternal health issues such as gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia, which typically manifest later in pregnancy but stem from underlying metabolic dysfunctions present from the onset, are heightened with obesity. Every year, up to 10% of pregnancies in the United States are affected by gestational diabetes with 50% of women who develop gestational diabetes subsequently developing type 2 diabetes, while obesity increases the risk of pre-eclampsia three-fold.

Moreover, obesity is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease, the complications of which are further exacerbated in pregnant women with obesity. Studies show that maternal cardiac events such as arrhythmias, ischemic heart disease, and cardiomyopathy are common in those with obesity, and contribute to cardiovascular risk even after the pregnancy.

In addition to the detrimental health consequences it has on the mother, obesity significantly complicates pregnancy, increasing of cesarean deliveries and complications associated with cesarean sections, and impacting fetal development, often leading to higher birth weights. Obese pregnant women face a higher incidence of spontaneous miscarriages and their pregnancies are more likely to be affected by congenital anomalies. Additionally, obesity increases the chances of both spontaneous and medically induced preterm births, as well as the risk of stillbirths, underscoring the multifaceted threat that obesity poses to both mother and child during pregnancy.

Systemic Failures in Managing Obesity in Pregnancy

Managing obesity during pregnancy should be straight forward given the overwhelmingly large database available surrounding diet and nutrition, but significant systemic challenges hinder it. Weight stigma, which is prevalent throughout healthcare, often leads to less engagement in medical services, unhealthy eating patterns, and increased stress-related health issues. This stigma not only exacerbates weight-related problems but also contributes to mental health issues like depression and anxiety.

Inconsistencies in how gestational weight gain is monitored and discussed further compound these issues. Many healthcare providers feel uncomfortable discussing weight, nutrition, and exercise, leading to inadequate guidance for expectant mothers. This reluctance to address weight management thoroughly can result in poorer health outcomes for both mothers and babies and inflate healthcare costs due to the increased need for medical interventions and prolonged care.

How Mother Goose Health Provides Solutions

Mother Goose Health is transforming maternal care with a comprehensive approach that integrates seamlessly into the existing healthcare infrastructure. By linking mothers with local food support services and utilizing benefits from programs like WIC and SNAP, the platform ensures essential nutritional support. It offers live support through the Mother Goose app, enabling text, phone, and video interactions, and provides reminders for care and appointments, supported by a dedicated maternal care team. The platform also tracks weight and identifies obesity-related risks during pregnancy, linking users with weight management programs such as Weight Watchers for postpartum health.

Expanding its capabilities, Mother Goose Health integrates with cross-continuum electronic health records to streamline patientcare pathways. This integration allows for closed-loop referrals to comprehensive support services, ensuring no patient falls through the cracks. By keeping both patients and providers in the loop, Mother Goose Health advocates for a better maternal healthcare system that holistically cares for the patient while easing the lives of physicians.