
Industry, patient and clinical insight direct from the Mother Goose Health Team


The Real Cost of Poor Maternal Healthcare

The US spends more per capita on health care than any other high-income country, yet experiences the highest rates of maternal mortality and morbidity.


Optimizing Outcomes and Reducing Costs for Payers and Health Plans

Almost four million births occur in the US every year, and each one of them is costly. Women who give birth incur $18,865 more additional health costs than women of the same age who do not, and, when insured, it is the payers that cover the majority of this bill ($16,011).


Rethinking Our Approach to Maternal Health

The US is failing mothers, with millions, especially those belonging to ethnic-racial minorities and . . .


The Three P's of Maternal Healthcare

380,000 preterm births occur in the US each year, incurring costs of at least $25.2 billion. Meanwhile the national C-section rate, at 32%, starkly exceeds the 15-19% optimal range suggested by global studies, and rates of maternal mortality continue to rise, with startling disparities based on race and ethnicity.